
初級教師教學研究員聚焦:約翰·布拉德利(John Bradley)


每個月,CFT新聞通訊都會強調我們的工作初級教學研究員。這個月,約翰·布拉德利(John Bradley),英語高級講師,談論他的教學理念和興趣:


我擔任寫作工作室的助理主任,並擔任英語係的高級講師,在我如何接近這些角色之間有很多共同的基礎。無論是在與學生在寫作工作室的一對一會議中,還是在文學課堂上,我的目標是幫助我的學生利用談話的力量和交流思想作為積極積極的意義的重要組成部分參與知識生產。這也擴展到我如何處理寫作過程的方式。我鼓勵我的學生理解寫作不是作為對第二天將教練交給教練的淩晨的孤獨追求of the academy’s much larger and ongoing exchange of ideas. Similarly, I want them to approach their writing—everything from a free-writing exercise to the drafting of an essay—as more than the task of recording their thoughts, but as medium of discovery and exploration itself, an opportunity to generate a new and exciting understanding for themselves of a text or some other object of analysis. In the English department, the courses I teach largely revolve around poetry, and as we explore the links between poetic form and content, consider a poem in light of its historical moment, or debate issues of literature’s efficacy in instigating political or social change, I work hard to create a classroom environment that fosters such moments of exploration and discovery that will bleed over from discussion into their essays.



