


每年,CFT時事通訊都會強調我們的工作初級教學研究員。這個月,伊比·西茲瑪(Ibby Cizmar),,,,劇院助理教授專門從事表演和導演,談論她從研究金中獲得的一些教訓。

通過JFTF計劃,我與跨學科的同事建立了聯係,並確定了整個領域的重疊挑戰。建立同事的團契創造了一個支持性的環境,我們可以解決並共享創新的思想,以改善我們的教學和教育策略。具體來說,我一直在研究與表演課程有關的評估。在喬·班迪(Joe Bandy)領導的我的研討會小組中,我有時間和空間來思考從學期到學期各不相同的學生人數我的爵士表演課程的目標。My individual mentorship from Julaine Fowlin has been such a gift in terms of considering teaching research and the application of that research to a performance-based class.Based on my findings as a Junior Faculty fellow I recently applied to the Association for Theatre in Higher Education’s annual conference in which I will be presenting a paper “Serving All Students: Rethinking Strategies and Assessments inPWI Acting Classrooms.” Two questions I am pursuing: (1) In a liberal arts environment where Acting I students come from a variety of disciplines with varying levels of experience from seasoned stage performer to theatre novice, how does one quantify effort? (2) In a performance-based class, how does an instructor create syllabi and establish effective grading methods to serve all students in a Predominantly White Institution’s acting class? The paper will explore classroom dynamics as it relates to introductory and advanced acting courses, and challenge instructors to rethink syllabi, pedagogical strategies, and assessments to better serve all students creating a more enriching performance-based experience.


